There are 10 different physical components of fitness they are.
- Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance - The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
- Muscular Endurance - The ability of a muscle to continue contracting over a period of time against a light moderate load.
- Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
- Flexibility - The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
- Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
- Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
- Agility - The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
- Co-ordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
- Balance - The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
- Reaction Time - The time taken for a sports performer to respond to a stimulus and the innatation of their response.
Main Components Of Fitness For A Rugby Player
Position: Centre
(Health Related)Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance- This is needed for my position in rugby,because as a centre i am asked either to break the defensive line or pass the gain line. C.V Endurance is needed to make these runs time after time. I am asked to make tackles and keep on running for 80 minutes. If you don't have cardio vascular endurance you will fatigue easier. A professional centre has to have great C.V. Endurance, for example Jonathan Davies who plays for llanelli his C.V. endurance is really high because he breaks the line countless of times in a game. His defence is Superb but the difference is he is a pro and I'm not. A test for Cardio vascular endurance is the multi stage fitness test this will test your C.V. Endurance the most compered to any other test.
(Skill Related)Co-ordination- Co-ordination is paramount for rugby not just for my position but for rugby in general. As a centre you are demanded to catch and throw a throw the ball and kick. That's not it co-ordination is also used for running jumping and even riding a bike. In rugby you are asked to pass the the ball countless of times either to a winger or a full back. You are asked to kick the ball this need good co-ordination for all your muscles to contract at one time to get power behind the ball. Catching in rugby is required when catching the ball keep your eyes on the ball, some players look at the person coming towards them before they catch it and drop the ball. Jonathan Davies co-ordination is brilliant he can look up scan the pitch and know where the gap is going to be to break the line, his passing is fanoninal he can pass it where ever the ball needs to go. His kicking is good because he is well co-ordinated so he gets good power behind his kick to put it where it needs to go.
(Skill Related) Agility- Agility is a required attribute to play a game of rugby because you need to be able to change direction at pace for example a side step you need good agility for one of the best rugby players in the world Shane Williams won his world player of the year award by using his agility and speed. Agility is also used in rugby because you need to get off the mark quickly and be able to change your body position quickly so you can make a tackle.
(Health Related) Muscular Endurance- Is used to in rugby specifically i many positions for example for a forward its used for scrummaging but for backs and for my position it is used for running because as a back you are constantly running all over the place. Another use for Muscular Endurance is when you tackle a player you can jackal for the ball, Muscular Endurance is required to hold onto the ball and win your team a penalty. Johnathon Davies has muscular endurance to make breaks time after time to break the line.
(Skill Related) Speed- In rugby speed is needed to break lines. You need speed because you need to have a quick defence and get up on the defence fast. You need to be quick to break the line at speed. Johnathon Davies is very fast that's why his defence is so good and that's why he will break the line countless of times.
(Health Related) Flexibility- Flexibility is used in rugby to prevent injury and to improve physical performance. For example flexibility is used to make you faster by making your hamstrings longer therefore you will become faster.
(Skill Related) Speed- In rugby speed is needed to break lines. You need speed because you need to have a quick defence and get up on the defence fast. You need to be quick to break the line at speed. Johnathon Davies is very fast that's why his defence is so good and that's why he will break the line countless of times.
(Health Related) Flexibility- Flexibility is used in rugby to prevent injury and to improve physical performance. For example flexibility is used to make you faster by making your hamstrings longer therefore you will become faster.
(Skill Related) Dynamic Balance- Dynamic balance is vital to a rugby player because you need it to run and other things. Dynamic balance is also used to warm up which is really important.
(Skill Related) Reaction Time- Reaction Time is needed for rugby because for example the ball is pasted from the scrum you need to react to get up fast. Jonathan Davies has good Reaction Time that's why his defence is so good.
(Skill Related) Max Strength- You need Max Strength in in rugby to tackle and kick the ball. Jonathan Davies is Max Strength must be good because his defence is awesome.
(Skill Related) Static Balance- Static Balance is needed in rugby for warming up. It is a vital part because if you don't warm up you will pull a muscle or have an injury.
(Skill Related) Max Strength- You need Max Strength in in rugby to tackle and kick the ball. Jonathan Davies is Max Strength must be good because his defence is awesome.
(Skill Related) Static Balance- Static Balance is needed in rugby for warming up. It is a vital part because if you don't warm up you will pull a muscle or have an injury.
This is a video of the Scarlets against Leinster watch the replay of the massive hit by Jonathan Davies this is an example of how important those components are.
As a centre there are many training methods to achieve Excellence. There are many types of training, i will name 3 methods used to achieve excellence in rugby.
Interval Training
Interval Training is periods of intense work interspersed with certain rest periods. Interval Training is used as a training method in rugby because rugby is a stop start game. You have stoppages when you are a centre because the forwards do the line outs and scrums whilst you rest. When you start your work it needs to be intense and you will work hard, but it will only last for a short duration.
SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quickness)
SAQ is a Skill Related Fitness. It is used to training your Speed, Agility and Quickness. As a back you need to have good Speed to be fast and run onto the ball at speed, Agility because you need to be able to be agile and sidestep and Quickness because you need to be quick on your feet. This is a commonly used for backs because you need those 3 components to achieve excellence in rugby.
Continuous Training- Cross Training
The aim of Cross Training is to see how many rounds we can do without stopping. Continuous training can test many fitness components such as Cardio Vascular Endurance and many more. We have done 2 tests for continuous one was a boring and really old school and the other one was a new type of continuous training it is cross training. The Cross Training one i find more interesting and fun because it is testing lots of components instead of just one.
Part 3
Comparison between two positions
The two positions i have chosen are a Second row and a Centre they have there differences and the similarities i will now explain what they are.
Similarities- The similarities for a Second row and a Centre are. They both need a high Cardio Vascular Endurance intake because they both need to get round the field quickly. For example the second rows need to have good c.v endurance to get around the field and hit all the rucks. Then on the other hand centres need good cardio vascular endurance to break the line countless of times and make big tackles.
Both these positions need good Explosive Strength or known as power. Second rows need to have power because they need to be able to push over the rucks, its needed in scrums to explode when you hit the opposition and its needed in line outs to explode from the floor to jump and reach the ball. Centres need
Explosive Strength because it is needed to make big tackles to drive them back past the gain line they need they also need it to break the gain line so they can power through the tackles getting behind the defence.
These two positions need to have Muscular Endurance to do what you do countless of times. A Second row needs good muscular endurance to keep on driving in the scrums and to keep rucking over the ball they also need it in the line outs for example 79th minute in the game there line out on the 5 metre line if he didn't have good muscular endurance he wouldn't be able to jump but if he does have good Muscular Endurance he will jump as high as possible and win the ball.
Another Component which a Centre and a Second Row have in common is Body Composition. A second row needs to have a certain body composition because you cant have a little short guy who's skinny playing in second row because he wouldn't meet the physical demands. A second row needs to be a certain body type a second row needs to be a Ectomorph. A centre needs to be a Mesemorph. it is important for a centre to be a Mesemorph because you need to be short and muscular to break the line.
Differences- There are many differences between a Centre and a Second Row.
One difference is that a centre needs to be more agile than a second row because a centre needs to step in and out of players.
But on the other hand a second row needs to have good max strength to push in the scrums and got to ruck over the ball.
Centres need to have good co-ordination to give and pass the ball for example they are under pressure with a defender on them they need to get the ball then quickly pass it away. A Second row needs to have better flexibility than a centre because they need to be jumping really high in line outs to reach and prevent the opposition from getting the ball.
Assignment 2:1
Lifestyle factors that affect a sports performer
There are many lifestyle factors that affect performers. The person i have chosen to base my analysis on is Gavin Henson.
Media: Gavin Henson is frequently featured in the news papers and his face is shown all over the British isles. The most recent story that the media have snapped up on is his spilt up with his wife Charlotte church. There is pressure on him mentally and the media haven't helped. This has nearly ended his career and has had a break from processional rugby for at least a year. The media spotlight always shines on him. There has been many story's, he is now on strictly come dancing and training in the morning. All his media attention has made him leave wales and live in England, he is now training every morning with the Saracens rugby team. Gavin Henson was every ones welsh hero after he kicked a winning 40 yard kick against England to win the Grand Slam in 2005. He doesn't help himself, he is an outspoken person who says what he thinks and sometimes he doesn't say the right things. This is a huge pressure on him it influences his game and defiantly affects his mind. The media haven't helped him at all they are always giving him bad press because he is either doing this or moving to a different club. The media expect him to play well when he does and when he doesn't he gets a slating. There has been many quotes from the media saying that Gavin Henson isn't physically fit enough anymore this put pressure on him to get physically fit and maybe push himself to much.
Injury has affected Gavin Henson massively He hasn't played rugby since 2009. He is only now starting to get back into his training regime training with Saracens rugby club in the morning then dancing in the afternoon.
His absents from the game has been due to a injury to his Achilles which has kept him out since 2009. He was injured be for that he damaged his leg. This kept him out of the 2006 and 07 six nations campaign. These injury's have stopped him from playing rugby for at least 3 years. These injury's affect your mental state as well his confidence dropped completely. His injury has probably destroyed his marriage with his wife. Injury drives you crazy you become mentally drained and loose your confidence. Gavin has started training again for Saracens and it will take him a few weeks to get into the rhythm of professional rugby again. When you come back from injury you sometimes play the best you ever had because you've been out of the game so long your eager to get back playing and get into the starting team. Gav has said he will back playing international rugby just after playing 2 games. His mental cockiness has probably helped him through his injured period. Which you can see coming out into the press.
Stress can be good or bad for a person engaged in a sporting event. Good stress can improve a performance whereas bad stress can cause them to, in sporting parlance, not be at the races. Stress has affected Gavin in many ways he has the stress from the press and from his family and expatiation's. The stress from press is sometimes good because they might be praising you and give you good responses but there is bad stress where you might not meet there expatiation's or do something wrong in the game. The stress from your family is normally good because they encourage you and want you to do well. Gavin has quite a stressful family life because he has 2 young children who are very busy. family life can make you not play well because you are under pressure to do day to day stuff at home.
Your diet is a key part of a rugby career. Gavin needs to have a good health diet to complete his day to day activities. He needs to have a good balanced diet of carbohydrates to give him energy and keep him going, Protein helps your muscles to get stronger and to recover from a big game, Vitamins and minerals to help your bones stronger and healthier. As a rugby player you need to be as ready for a game as possible by eating properly. Every rugby player needs to have a good diet even before the game and afterwards. Water is a KEY component to a diet, you need to take allot of water on board as a pro for any sports. Water hydrates you and keeps you from getting dehydrated, if you are a pro you need to drink water before the game and afterwards.

Assignment 3:1
to complete this assignment we had to carry out a test on a teacher in our school. We tested a maths teacher his name was Mr Charles he had experience of testing because he played rugby at an amateur level. So that Mr Charles was able to complete these tests he had to fill in a PARQ which questioned your health and made sure you were able to take part. Me and my partner also had to make an informed consent form which said what you were going to be doing and sir had to sign it.
We were asked to carry out four tests on the teacher they were The Multi Stage Fitness Test, Maximal Press Up Test,the Illinois Agility Run and the sit and reach test.
Before we had to complete the tests we had to warm sir up we did this by using a skipping rope for a continuous minute they to preform some specific stretching. We preformed the tests in a certain order so that he would not be so fatigued the order that we did them was the sit and reach, the maximal press up, the Illinois agility run and the multi stage fitness test.
The sit and reach test is a test for flexibility mainly in your hamstring but also in the calf. To complete the sit and reach test we had to warm him up sufficiently to prevent injury.
The sit and reach test is a maximal test.
- to do the test you will need a sit and reach box.
- you have 3 attempts at it.
-we put a clip board on the box to push up smoothly it has to be a smooth movement not jaggered, you have 3 opportunity's to do this we read the results in cm.
The Maximal press up test is a Maximal test it is a test for muscular endurance. To complete this test we had to warm up the arms so he didn't pull a muscle. He had a minute to complete as many full press ups as possible. I laid on the floor and tensed my fist sir had to go down to my thumb then lock his arms back out that is one press up.
We needed a....
-stop watch
-and somebody to make sure he was preforming the press ups properly.
Assignment 3:1
to complete this assignment we had to carry out a test on a teacher in our school. We tested a maths teacher his name was Mr Charles he had experience of testing because he played rugby at an amateur level. So that Mr Charles was able to complete these tests he had to fill in a PARQ which questioned your health and made sure you were able to take part. Me and my partner also had to make an informed consent form which said what you were going to be doing and sir had to sign it.
We were asked to carry out four tests on the teacher they were The Multi Stage Fitness Test, Maximal Press Up Test,the Illinois Agility Run and the sit and reach test.
Before we had to complete the tests we had to warm sir up we did this by using a skipping rope for a continuous minute they to preform some specific stretching. We preformed the tests in a certain order so that he would not be so fatigued the order that we did them was the sit and reach, the maximal press up, the Illinois agility run and the multi stage fitness test.
The sit and reach test is a test for flexibility mainly in your hamstring but also in the calf. To complete the sit and reach test we had to warm him up sufficiently to prevent injury.
The sit and reach test is a maximal test.
- to do the test you will need a sit and reach box.
- you have 3 attempts at it.
-we put a clip board on the box to push up smoothly it has to be a smooth movement not jaggered, you have 3 opportunity's to do this we read the results in cm.
The Maximal press up test is a Maximal test it is a test for muscular endurance. To complete this test we had to warm up the arms so he didn't pull a muscle. He had a minute to complete as many full press ups as possible. I laid on the floor and tensed my fist sir had to go down to my thumb then lock his arms back out that is one press up.
We needed a....
-stop watch
-and somebody to make sure he was preforming the press ups properly.
The Illinois Agility Run is a test for agility this is maximal. In this test you have to run through a series of cones changing direction all the time.
to complete the test we needed......
This run is quite tiring there fore he would not be at his best. We were meant to complete the test 3 times but we decided to do it twice because sir thought it would affect his time in the next test.
The Multi Stage Fitness test is a progressive and maximal test. It is a test for cardio vascular endurance. This test is one of the best most tiring cardio vascular tests known. The test involves beeps the beeps get faster as you get through the test. If you did not reach the beeps 3 times you would be out.
The Equipment needed to do this...
-Multi Stage Fitness test CD
-20m space
Untitled from lewis eynon on Vimeo.
Untitled from lewis eynon on Vimeo.
Comparison and Evaluation of Results
From his results we can evaluate and Analise how well Mr Charles has done by comparing him to national averages and other teachers scores.
We can see fro these results that that Mr Charles is above the the average and he is good for his age.
We can see from the graph that Mr Charles score below the Average and is very poor for his age.
We can see from our results that Mr Charles in the Illionois Agility Run did Average for his age.
We can see that Mr Charles score on this is Awesome. He is well above average for his age.
We can see by Mr Charles results and the way he has preformed that he has his strengths and weaknesses. We can see that he has many strengths but some weaknesses. His Strengths are his muscular endurance we no this from the maximal press up test, where he got excellent in the test. The things he could improve on could be his flexibility we no this because he didn't do as well as he could getting 17 in the sit and reach which is poor. In the illinois agility run Mr Charles got a time of 16 seconds which is average for his age so we could say he could improve on this. In the multi stage fitness Test Mr Charles Scored 11 which is good for his age but he could still improve.
If we were to make a training programme for Mr Charles we would advise him to improve on his flexibility, agility and his cardrio vascular system. We could do this by setting up a training programme for him for his flexibility we would use PNF which tricks your muscles into stretching further than they normally would. For his agility we would assign him speed training that would consist of short distances with rest periods but the rest periods would be as long as it takes him to recover. For his cardio vascular system we would ask him to do either a continuous run or circuit training specifically for your cardio vascular system. We would do this over a six week period and test him after to see if his results have improved or not.
We done fitness test to compare our scores to national averages. The national averages are to compare my results to the averages.
When we tested Mr Charles we used this as a practice. We tested ourselves to see what we could get and then compared it to the natioanal average. we completed the tests and recoreded our results. we had to fill in an informed consent to complete the tests stating what we had to do. Befor we had to complete the test we warmed up. we warmed up by doing a lap round the track and 30 seconds of skipping.
The tests we did were :-
- Sit & reach test
- Sit up test
- 35m sprint
- alternate hand ball wall test
The sit and reach test is a maximal test.
- to do the test you will need a sit and reach box.
- you have 3 attempts at it.
-we put a clip board on the box to push up smoothly it has to be a smooth movement not jaggered, you have 3 opportunity's to do this we read the results in cm.
Maximal sit up test
The maximal sit up test is a test for muscular endurance. Its a test for the abdoman the better abdomon muscles you have the more sit ups you will be able to do.
- to do this test you need a stopwatch
-a mat
once you are ready you need to start the stopwatch and see how how many sit ups you can do in a minute.
35m sprint
The 35m sprint is a test for speed. We went outside and started to lay out where we were going to run.
we needed a.....
-tape measure
-and cones
we ran this but our results will be affected becasue the grass was wet. Simply you've got to run 35m as fast as you can.
Alternate hand wall ball test
This is a test for co-ordination. This test involves you having one tennis ball amd you have to throw the ball with one hand on catch it with the other. This test is harder than it sounds.
to complete this you need-
a wall
a tennis ball
a stopwatch
Results table
Now i will compare my results to the national averages in the UK.
This is my score for the sit and reach test. You can see that my score is below average and below poor this is not good. I thought my results would be better. I need to improve on my my flexibiltiy to do this i could participate in PNF training this would increse my score therefore me becoming par with avergage. This is my score for the max sit up test. It is a test for muscular endurance of your abdomon muscles. I am quite pleased with my score becasue it is above average. Average is ok but i would want to improve on this. I would be able to improve by doing some muscualr endurance circuits. This should target my abdomn and improve my muscular endurance.
This is my result in the 35m sprint this is a test for speed. You can see that my results are above poor. This is not impressing becasue i count myself as being quite fast. I need to improve on my speed i could do this by improving my flexibility and doing speed interval training.
Analyising my results
I am not really that impressed with my reslut. I don't think i perofrmed to the best of my abiltiy. In the sit and reach test my results are very poor this i think is down to my lack of flexibility my felxibility i ok but compared to the averages it is poor. If i was going to design a training program i would include a lot of PNF training so when i test next time for flexibility my results will be much higher.
In the Max sit up test i didnt perform to the hightest level. This is down to a number of factors i could of been fatigued down to previous training sessions. Although my results are above average so therefore it is'nt that bad but i think i could improve if i included this into a training program i would use circuit training to improve this . The 35m sprint was not a good time becasue i didnt get above average and i felt awful doing it. Speed is a key factor to my team game which is rugby and if i want to progres thoriugh that i will have to improve my speed. To do that i can perform PNF training or speed interval trainig. Although when we did the test it was on grass and was wet so this could of slowed us down considrably.
I completed a test for co-ordination this test was a sucess becasue my results came out as excellent this has built my confidence up loads. The results show that my co-ordination is good and i wouldnt need to improve it.
Assignment 6Part 1
The main affects that would affect your performance are.......
Depending on the level of a Sport person's Arousal, will reflect how interested or excited they are by a sport. If they are more interested in a sport, they will learn and participate with happiness, eagerness and enthusiasm. They will work harder to successful in the sport that they love it. Arousal levels can also affect your aggression sometimes it is good to be aggressive for example rugby. On the other hand your arousal levels could affect the way you perform in a negative way for example shooting in the Olympics.
In sport motivation is regarded very highly because to play sport you have to be motivated whether it Extrinsic or Intrinsic. Anything you do in sport involves motivation training everyday you need to have good motivation but a lack of motivation would stop you training.
Anxiety is our natural reaction when we feel threatened. Sporting competition can bring on the same type of feeling. If we are going to play in a big game our anxiety levels will be high because your nervous and worrying about the game.
Personality is a pivotal part in sport. Your personality will affect the sports you play and take part in. There are two different types of personality in sport extrovotes and introvotes.
Concentration is defined as "the ability to direct one's thinking in whatever direction one would intend". We each individually have to concentrate at some time. But at other times our concentration lacks and we start thinking about other things. To deal with these we need to learn and practise concentration and strategies.
Part 2
Analyse the effects of motivation, personality, concentration, anxiety and arousal on sports performance.
Arousal levels are key in sport. In a game of rugby you want your arousal levels to be high to make big hits and stop for the other team from scoring. These arousal levels can positively affect your performance. On the other hand your arousal levels could affect you negatively and possibly ruin your chances for a trophy and example of a sport where you wouldn't want your arousal levels to be high could be a game of golf, you wouldn't want to aroused for golf for many reasons one because if you are too aroused you will probably try and hit the ball to hard and mess up the shot. If you are aroused by the sport you play you then want to succeed in it which makes you train harder and play harder which you therefor you win and succeed in sport. If you are not aroused by the sport you play you loose your concentration whilst doing it and you won't try in what you do therefor you don't succeed i what you do and fail i your sport you have chosen.
(b tec sport book)
Motivation is key to whether you take part in sport or not. If you are motivated in anything you will no doubt succeed. You can be motivated in many ways. To be motivated yourself is called intrinsic motivation, this is where you are motivated to do something for pleasure or to build up your skills e.g. going to the gym every morning when everybody is still in bed. This is a good example because if you train every morning in the gym it shows you have good intrinsic motivation to build up your strength and for your own personal pleasure. The other type of motivation is extrinsic motivation this is motivation which effects you by external and unrelated tasks which include money, fame, glory and any other rewards. A great example of extrinsic motivation would be Gavin Henson extrinsic motivation has affected his career massively. He stopped playing rugby because of injury once he had recovered he went on strictly come dancing and 61 degrees north he appeared on this and is now back playing rugby after 2 years out of rugby, he did this for money and fame this is a prime example of extrinsic motivation.
(Btec sport book)
Anxiety is when you become worried or nervous. You can be nervous for anything this gives you anxiety. Even the elite performers suffer from anxiety and react in different ways, Neil Jenkins before an important game was sick constantly in the changing rooms this is a type of thing anxiety brings. Anxiety can be caused by thinking bad thoughts or thinking that you have won when you haven't causing complacency. 'Choking' is a cause of anxiety, this is where you are performing in a championship or in a elite league and you 'Choke'. This happens for some reason to sports performers it occurs when your under pressure and Therese allot of pressure on you. A prime example of 'choking' would be Van De Velde.
Van de Velde only needed a double bogey six on the final hole to win the 1999 Open Championship at Carnoustie. A wayward drive, a shank into the water and a recovery shot that found the bunker ensured he blew the greatest opportunity of his career.He eventually finished the hole in seven shots and found himself in a three-way play-off which he lost. It would be seven years before he would win another golf tournament.
Your personality is a key part of your sports career. If you have a bad personality towards sport you will not succeed. If you have a good open personality towards sport you will succeed and progress. To have a bad personality, cockiness, this is a bad thing in some people but if you are possibly the best at your sport in the world i think you have a right, the biggest know person to be cocky would be Mohamed Ali, who was regarded the best boxer of all time. He was so cocky about the he performed it was unreal he once said "I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was"( he said this and it shows how cocky he was. His personality comes under the category of Extrovote. People with this personality seem to be loud and excitable enjoy team sports and have high arousal levels. The other category is an introvote this person with that type of personality tends to be quiet and thoughtful who are self motivated and have low arousal levels this introvote personality would probably we key for a golfer.
To be fully concentrated is to focus on something for a period of time. If you are not concentrated during a game or a race you may loose. This is key for your team to be concentrated as a group as well as a single player. There are many things to stop you from concentrating your coach/manager, opponent, negative thoughts and the weather. You can improve your concentration by using cue words and simulation training. Masters of concentration are the people that succeed in sport, Monks for example can concentrate for hours on end.They can concentrate whilst being hit with sticks and feel no pain this is a result of how good there concentration is at ignoring pain.
www-I like your use of pictures to go with your descriptons. Also you have shown a good a knowlage of the subject :) xxx